STUDIO PROJEKTOWE SPART S.C. M.KONIECZNY,L.MARSZAŁEK carried out a project co-financed with the European Funds entitled “Purchase and implementation of IT infrastructure for the development and optimisation of business processes at the company and the implementation of a substantially improved service”.
The purpose of the project was to optimise business processes by the use of IT and communications tools in B2B, B2E and, to a limited extent, in the B2C areas. Under the project, 21 intangible assets and IT devices were bought and synchronised to implement the substantially improved operation. In addition, the project included soft actions (training and consultancy). The improved operation has a direct impact on technological (product and process) and organisational (non-technological) innovations. As a result of the project, one new job (Assistant Designer – 1 FTE) was established.
Project value: 342 136,80 zł
EU grant for the project: 125 567,00 zł
ul. 1 Maja 49
42 - 660 Kalety
NIP: 6452560663
Regon: 383292661
ul. Strzelców Bytomskich 98A
41 - 914 Bytom
ul. Ludwika Idzikowskiego 16/406
00-710 Warsaw